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架构原理-分布式存储-Ceph (架构分析)

admin10个月前 (05-13)数码62

Ceph is a unified, distributed storage system designed for lent performance, reliability, and scalability. It can simultaneously provide object storage, block storage, and file system storage interfaces.

Ceph's Architecture

Ceph's architecture is divided into three layers:

  • Application Interface Layer: This layer provides access to Ceph's storage functionality through a variety of interfaces, including local language binding interfaces (C/C++, Java, Python), RESTful (S3/Swift), block storage device interfaces, and file system interfaces.
  • Storage Base Interface Layer: This layer provides an abstraction and encapsulation of Ceph's object storage functionality. It provides a RADOS Gateway (RADOSGW) for object storage applications, Reliable Block Device (RBD)for block devices, and Ceph File System (CephFS) for POSIX-compatible file systems.
  • Ceph
  • Storage Object Layer: This layer is the core of Ceph and is responsible for organizing and storing data. It consists of a distributed cluster of storage nodes (OSDs), each with its own hardware resources (CPU, memory, disks, network) and running an operating system and file system.

Ceph's Read and Write Principles

Ceph uses a distributed object storage model to store data. Data is divided into objects, which are stored across multiple OSDs. When a client reads or writes data, the request is sent to a Monitor (MON) node, which directs the request to the appropriate OSDs. The OSDs then respond to the request, either providing the data or writing it to the storage cluster.

Benefits of Ceph

Ceph offers several benefits, including:
  • Unified Storage: Ceph can provide a single storage platform for a variety of applications, simplifying storage management and reducing costs.
  • Distributed Architecture: Ceph's distributed architecture provides high availability and scalability, ensuring that data is always available and accessible.
  • High Performance: Ceph is designed for high performance, with a distributed architecture that optimizes data access and minimizes latency.
  • Reliability: Ceph uses a variety of techniques, including data replication and erasure coding, to ensure data reliability and prevent data loss.


Ceph is a powerful and flexible storage system that can meet the needs of a wide range of applications. Its unified storage platform, distributed architecture, high performance, and reliability make it an ideal choice for organizations looking to simplify storage management and improve data availability and accessibility.


Ceph 生态系统架构可以划分为四部分:1. Clients:客户端(数据用户)2. cmds:Metadata server cluster,元数据服务器(缓存和同步分布式元数据)3. cosd:Object storage cluster,对象存储集群(将数据和元数据作为对象存储,执行其他关键职能)4. cmon:Cluster monitors,集群监视器(执行监视功能)图1。 Ceph的生态系统的概念架构


摘要:云存储技术是云计算的基础,它的原理是通过宽带网络整合大量的存储设备,通过存储虚拟化技术、重复数据删除技术、分布式存储技术、数据备份技术、内容分发网络技术、存储加密技术等,将不同的存储设备互联起来,映射出一个统一的存储资源池,从而对外提供服务。 下面为大家介绍云存储技术的原理和核心技术,一起来了解一下吧。 一、云存储技术的工作原理是什么云存储是网络在线存储的形式,把数据存放在通常由第三方托管的多台虚拟服务器,作为云计算的一个核心组成部分,承担着数据最底层数据存储与信息收集的任务是整个云平台、云服务的基础。 那么云存储技术原理是什么呢?云存储技术的原理是:通过宽带网络整合大量的存储设备,通过存储虚拟化、分布式文件系统、底层对象化等技术将位于各单一存储设备上的物理存储资源进行整合,构成逻辑上统一的存储资源池对外提供服务,从而扩大存储容量。 二、云存储的核心技术及其他技术云存储的核心技术是存储虚拟化技术,它可以通过存储虚拟化方法,把不同厂商、不同型号、不同通信技术、不同类型的存储设备互联起来,将系统中各种异构的存储设备映射为一个统一的存储资源池。 除了这一技术外,云存储技术还有:1、重复数据删除技术重复数据的数据量不断增加会导致重复的数据占用更多的空间,重复数据删除技术可以减少备份数据的数量,消除冗余的文件、数据块或字节,以保证只有单一的数据存储在系统中。 2、分布式存储技术该技术通过网络使用服务商提供的各个存储设备上的存储空间,并将这些分散的存储资源构成一个虚拟的存储设备,数据分散地存储在各个存储设备上。 分布式存储技术包括网络存储技术、分布式文件系统和网格存储技术等。 3、数据备份技术主要是将云存储网盘上的数据本身或者其中的部分以特定的格式保存下来,以备原数据出现错误、被误删除、恶意加密等各种原因不可用时可以随时恢复。 4、内容分发网络技术该技术通过在网络各处放置节点服务器,在现有互联网的基础之上构成一层智能虚拟网络,实时地根据网络流量、各节点的连接和负载情况、响应时间、到用户的距离等信息将用户的请求重新导向离用户最近的服务节点上,主要作用是使数据传输更快、更稳定。 5、存储加密技术当数据从前端服务器输出,或在写进存储设备之前通过系统为数据加密,以保证存放在存储设备上的数据只有授权用户才能读取。


标签: Ceph