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bold-weight-与-span-span-style=font--MySQL-技术选型的全面指南-MongoDB (bold-weight-与-span-span-style=font--MySQL-技术选型的全面指南-MongoDB)

admin10个月前 (05-12)数码50



When considering MongoDB as a technology choice, you likely face challenges related to storing and accessing unstructured data in JSON format. Otherwise, you can opt directly for MySQL.

Why MongoDB? DB-Engines' October 2023 ranking shows MongoDB ranked 5th overall and 1st among NoSQL databases.

Understanding the Differences

1. What is MySQL?

MySQL is a relational database management system developed by MySQL AB and acquired by Oracle. It is one of the most popular relational database management systems, particularly in web applications.

2. Data Storage Structures

MySQL uses a 5-level storage structure: tablespace, segment, cluster, page, and row. The tablespace is the highest level, and all data is stored within tablespaces.

MongoDB stores data in a JSON-like document format.

3. CRUD Operations

MySQL uses SQL (Structured Query Language) to retrieve information from database tables. SQL is widely used, and most developers have experience with it.

MongoDB, on the other hand, uses MQL (MongoDB Query Language). To retrieve data or information from a JSON document database, you must first specify the documentwith properties that the results should match.

4. Transaction Support

MySQL is the preferred choice for applications requiring multi-row transactions. It provides high transaction processing rates and strong security.

MongoDB supports single-document transaction operations with weaker consistency.

5. Performance Testing Summary Analysis

6. Key Differences

Application Scenarios

As a document database, MongoDB allows for storing data of various types and sizes, making it suitable for big data applications. Combined with its horizontal scalability and agility with cloud services, MongoDB simplifies scaling processes, provides high availability, and enables fast data recovery.

However, MongoDB is inferior to MySQL in terms of data reliability, consistency, and security. Moreover, MySQL provides high transaction processing rates for applications requiring multi-row transactions (e.g., accounting and banking systems).

MongoDB focuses on high insertion rates rather than providing the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) guarantees of MySQL.

MongoDB has found applications in various industries, including gaming, logistics, e-commerce, content management, social media, IoT, and video streaming.


MySQL is an open-source relational database that organizes data into tables, enabling you to relate data from one part of the database to another. MongoDB is also open-source, but it is a document database. It does not join records, and its schema is flexible, allowing for a more dynamic and flexible database with higher insertion capabilities.

To determine the best database system for your project or business, clearly define your priorities. MongoDB and MySQL are both excellent choices, but the specific choice depends on your application requirements and system characteristics.

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标签: MySQL

“bold-weight-与-span-span-style=font--MySQL-技术选型的全面指南-MongoDB (bold-weight-与-span-span-style=font--MySQL-技术选型的全面指南-MongoDB)” 的相关文章

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