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CSS中常用的实用且简单的函数 (css中常用的伪类选择器)

admin10个月前 (05-06)数码45

CSS Calc Function

The CSS calc() function is a powerful tool that allows you to perform mathematical operations within CSS values. It supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Here's an example of using the calc() function to calculate the font size of an element based on the viewport width:

      font-size: calc(16px + 2  (100vw - 400px) / 40);

This code calculates the font size based on the viewport width. The font size will be 16px for viewports up to 400px wide, and will increase by 2px for each additional 40px of viewport width.

Here's an example of using the calc() function to calculate the width of an element:

      width: calc(50% + 10px);

This code calculates the width of the element to be 50% of the parent element's width, plus 10px.

CSS Min Function

The min() function returns the smallest value in a list of expressions. Here's an example:

      width: min(100px, 230px, 20px);

In this example, the width property will be set to 20px, which is the smallest value in the list.

CSS Max Function

The max() function returns the largest value in a list of expressions. Here's an example:

      width: max(100px, 230px, 20px);

In this example, the width property will be set to 230px, which is the largest value in the list.

CSS Clamp Function

The clamp() function returns a value that is within a specified range. Here's an example:

      width: clamp(200px, 50px, 600px);

In this example, the width property will be set to 200px if the viewport width is less than 200px, 50px if the viewport width is between 200px and 600px, and 600px if the viewportwidth is greater than 600px.

This is an example of the calc() function.
This is an example of the min() function.
This is an example of the max() function.
This is an example of the clamp() function.


变形-旋转 ratate()函数



transform:rotate(-20deg) 如下图:





calc()能让你给元素的做计算,你可以给一个div元素,使用百分比、em、px和rem单位值计算出其宽度或者高度,比如说“width:calc(50% + 2em)”,这样一来你就不用考虑元素DIV的宽度值到底是多少,而把这个烦人的任务交由浏览器去计算。


calc()语法非常简单,就像我们小时候学加 (+)、减(-)、乘(*)、除(/)一样,使用数学表达式来表示:


标签: CSS

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