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Hutool和Jodd-Java优秀开源工具库的对比 (hutool为什么不推荐)

admin6个月前 (05-02)数码42


Hutool and Jodd are both excellent tool libraries and frameworks within the Java ecosystem. They provide Java developers with a range of convenient functionalities, but they differ in their focus, design philosophies, and the components they offer.


Hutool is primarily a tool library that aims to provide a comprehensive and versatile set of Java utility methods. Its goal is to eliminate the need for developers to "reinvent the wheel" by offering a wide variety of commonly used functions.

Key features of Hutool include:

  • Extensive collection of utility methods covering various aspects of Java development
  • Focus on providing practical and reusable code snippets
  • Well-organized and documented for easy reference


Jodd offers not only utility classes but also includes a lightweight micro-framework. Its design philosophy emphasizes providing a concise and fast full-stack solution.

In addition to utility classes, Jodd consists of complete framework components such as:

  • Madvoc (MVC framework)
  • Db (ORM)
  • Proxetta (AOP)


Focus and Target Audience


Hutool is primarily focused on providing a comprehensive tool library for Java developers. It targets those who primarily need utility methods and functions for various Java-based tasks.

Jodd, on the other hand, aims to be a more comprehensive solution, offering both utility classes and a lightweight micro-framework. It is suitable for developers who seek a full-stack framework with a focus on simplicity and performance.

Design Philosophy

Hutool adheres to a minimalist approach, striving to offer a set of essential Java utility methods that are practical and easy to use.

Jodd takes a more holistic approach, incorporating the design principles of simplicity, speed, and completeness into its framework and utility classes.

Component Offerings

Hutool's strength lies in its extensive collection of utility methods. These methods cover a wide range of functionalities, including data structures, conversions, date and time manipulation, file handling, and more.

Jodd provides not only utility classes but also a complete set of framework components that enable developers to build web applications, manage databases, and implement aspect-oriented programming.

Choosing Between Hutool and Jodd

The choice between Hutool and Jodd ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you primarily require a set of utility methods to enhance your Java development, Hutool is a suitable option.

If you seek a lightweight and full-stack framework that offers utility classes as well as components for web development, database management, and AOP, Jodd is a more comprehensive choice.


Hutool and Jodd are both valuable tool libraries and frameworks that provide distinct benefits to Java developers. Hutool is a comprehensive utility library that simplifies common Java tasks, while Jodd offers a lightweight full-stack solution with utility classes and framework components. By understanding their differences and strengths, you can select the option that best meets your requirements and project objectives.


NetBeans 由Sun公司(2009年被甲骨文收购)在2000年创立,它是开放源运动以及开发人员和客户社区的家园,旨在构建世界级的Java IDE。 NetBeans当前可以在Solaris、Windows、Linux和Macintosh OS X平台上进行开发,并在SPL(Sun公用许可)范围内使用。 Jbuilder是一个可视化JAVA开发工具。 它是在Java2平台上开发商业应用程序、数据库、发布程序的优秀工具。 它支持J2EE,所以程序员可以快速的转换企业版Java应用程序。 JDeveloper 是一个免费的非开源的集成开发环境,通过支持完整的开发生命周期简化了基于 Java 的 SOA 应用程序和用户界面的开发。 为构建具有J2EE功能,XML和Web Services 的复杂的,多层的JAVA应用程序提供了一个完全集成的开发环境。 它为运用Oracle数据库和应用服务器的开发人员提供特殊功能和增强性能,除此以外,它也有资格成为多种用途JAVA开发的一个强大的工具。 JCeator目前分为JCeator Le和JCeator Pro两个版本JCreat Le为免费版,而JCeator Pro要注册。 JCreat Le功能不及JCeator Pro。 JCreator 专业版是一款适合于各个 Java 语言编程开发人员的IDE工具。 她为使用者提供了大量强劲的功能,例如: 项目管理、工程模板、代码完成、调试接口、高亮语法编辑、使用向导以及完全可自定义的用户界面。


目前主流的一般有三种指的是JBuilder2006以前的版本,以后的版本采用了Eclipse框架.06以前的版本是众多Java开发者最喜爱的编程工具,尤其对新手来说,JBuilder干净简洁的见面以及强大的开发效率是让人舍不得的地方 Eclipse是一个优秀的开源IDE,界面比较漂亮,特别之处在于插件众多,所以能满足各个方面的开发需求(只要你装了插件就可以),这是Eclipse非常强大的地方是sun公司主推的IDE,企图以这个工具从JBuilder和Eclipse中抢得一部分市场份额,早期的几个版本问题及其多.从5.0以后,这些问题逐步被改善,尤其从6.0以后,NetBean已经得到很多开发者的认可.总的说来,三个工具中,JBuilder是运行最快的,在配置稍差的机器上表现无比出色,不过缺点是内存消耗较大,而且不是免费的,需要自己上网找破解;Eclipse免费,很多个人和企业都在用,不过在低端机上性能表现糟糕,开发效率低下,占用内存一般;NetBean在我的机器上比JBuilder占用的内存还要高,在配置差的机器上运行起来比JBuilder慢.


标签: Java

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