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与-的比较和选择指南-ValueTask-异步编程-Task-.NET-深入 (と与や的比较)

admin10个月前 (04-30)数码42

In C, a task represents an asynchronous operation. It is commonly used to encapsulate time-consuming and asynchronous operations such as reading data from a file or executing a database query.

Properties of a Task

  • Status: Indicates the current state of the task (e.g., running, completed, canceled).
  • Result: Contains the result of the asynchronous operation (if successfully completed).
  • Exception: If the asynchronous operation encounters an exception, it is stored here.
  • IsCompleted: Returns true if the task has completed (either successfully or with an exception).
  • IsFaulted: Returns true if the task completed with an exception.

Creating Tasks

There are several ways to create tasks in C:

  1. Task.Run(): Creates a task from a delegate or lambda expression.
  2. Task.Factory.StartNew(): Similar to Task.Run(), but provides more control over task creation.
  3. async/await: Asynchronous programming model that simplifies task creation and handling.

Consuming Tasks

Once a task has been created, it can be consumed using various methods:

  • Task.Wait() and Task.Result: Blocks the calling thread until the task completes and returns the result.
  • Task.ContinueWith(): Creates a continuation task that executes when the original task completes.
  • await: Asynchronous programming model that avoids blocking the calling thread.

Cancellation and Faults

Tasks support cancellation and error handling:

  • Cancellation: A task can be canceled, which will stop its execution and result in a 'canceled' status.
  • Faults: If an asynchronous operation encounters an exception, the task will be marked as 'faulted' and the exception will be stored in the Exception property.

Benefits of Using Tasks

  • Asynchronicity: Allows long-running operations to be performed without blocking the calling thread.
  • Concurrency: Enables simultaneous execution of multiple tasks, improving application performance.
  • Error Handling: Provides a structured way to handle exceptions in asynchronous operations.
  • Composition: Tasks can be combined using continuation tasks to create complex workflows.


Tasks are a powerful tool in C for representing and managing asynchronous operations. They enable developers to create efficient and responsive applications that can perform time-consuming tasks without blocking the UI or other critical processes.

如何正确理解.NET 4.5和C#5.0中的async/await异步编程模式




如何正确理解.NET 4.5和C#5.0中的async/await异步编程模式

这个await,其实只是把对老版本C#迭代器的惯用法官方化了。 现在很多平台都因为一些原因不得不用旧版本的C#,比如unity,想异步那只能通过迭代器来做。 async、迭代器都是语法糖,编译器会帮你实现成一个状态机匿名类,实例里面hold住一些临时变量,记录一下当前状态。 根据你写的yield/await,把一个异步方法拆成几个同步block,根据一定规则定期的去MoveNext一下,Current是Task那我就根据你配置的线程上下文决定把这个Task跑在哪个线程上。 那么用await修饰的异步方法是在哪个线程中被调用的?为什么上面这个事件处理方法不会阻塞GUI?我还看到其它一些描述是说使用async/await异步模式不会生成新的线程,那么只在原来已有线程的基础上面如何做到异步运行?题主这个例子这个方法就是在UI线程调用的,并且没有ConfigureAwait(false),所以会在当前await时捕捉的UI线程上下文执行之后的同步block。 至于为什么不会阻塞,可以简单理解为执行了第一个block,碰到Delay(4000),给UI线程的定时器挂一个4000时间之后再调用下一个同步块的回调。 看题主说的书名像是国产的书,这方面还是看《CLR via C#》或者《Concurrency in C# cookbook》比较好。


标签: .NET

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