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JavaScript-崛起成为下一个网络巨星-王权岌岌可危-WasmGC (javascript)

admin6个月前 (04-30)数码59

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. It is designed to run in a webbrowser at near-native speed and has been supported by major browsers since 2017.

Benefits of WebAssembly

WebAssembly offers several benefits over traditional JavaScript, including:

  • Faster performance: Wasm is compiled from languages like C and C++, making it significantly faster than JavaScript.
  • Portability: Wasm code can be compiled for multiple hardware architectures, ensuring portability across different devices and platforms.
  • Improved security: WebAssembly runs ina sandboxed environment, isolating it from the main browser thread and enhancing security by restricting unauthorized access to system resources.

WasmGC: A Game-Changer

In 2021, the WebAssembly open-source project introduced support for WasmGC (garbage collection). This feature allows Wasm to automatically manage memory, freeing developers from manual memory management tasks. This significantly simplifies the development process, enabling developers to focus on core application functionality.

Impact on JavaScript

The rise of WebAssembly, particularly with the introduction of WasmGC, has raised questions about the future of JavaScript as the dominant web development language.

While JavaScript remains widely used due to its ease of use, extensive support, and seamless integration with the browser DOM, Wasm offers several advantages that make it a compelling alternative for demanding web applications.

Key Differences between JavaScript and Wasm

| Feature | JavaScript | WebAssembly | |---|---|---| | Speed | Slower (interpreted) | Faster (compiled) | | Portability | Limited | Excellent | | Security | Potential vulnerabilities | Enhanced by sandboxing | | Memory Management | Manual | Automatic (with WasmGC) | | Language Support | JavaScript only | Supports multiple languages |


WebAssembly is poised to revolutionize web development. With its superior performance, portability, improved security, and the introduction of WasmGC, Wasm is emerging as a formidable competitor to JavaScript for demanding web applications.

As WasmGC matures and adoption increases, it is likely that more web developers will embrace WebAssembly as the language of choice for building high-performance, cross-platform, and secure web applications.

求解javascript 代码




addEventListener是添加,removeEventListener是移除,但是这个移除需要有个名称,如果是addEventListener一个匿名函数的,removeEventListener应该就无能为力了,addEventListener是添加嘛,可以添加多个函数,但是removeEventListener却只能一个一个的移除,还要知道名称,这就难了,应该说这个东西是有点鸡肋的,至少应该有个“removeAllEventListener”的东西来移除所有绑定到上面的函数嘛,可惜没有。 对于removeEventListener,个人觉得没什么用武之地,还是“=function(){}”这样的形式更实用


标签: JavaScript

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