优雅的前端国际化实现指南-b-b (时尚的前端)
Internationalization (i18n) is the process of adapting software applications and content to different languages and cultures. For front-end development, there are a variety of JavaScript libraries available to assist with i18n. In this article, we will explore some of the most popular ones.
i18next is a JavaScript framework for internationalization. It provides standard i18n features such as plurals, context, interpolation, and formatting. It also offers a complete solution for localizing products from web to mobile and desktop.
The i18next community has created integrations for frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue.js, and Next.js. i18next can also be used with platforms like Node.js, Deno, and more.
React Intl
React Intl is built on top of JavaScript's Intl API and provides an enhanced API and components for React. It uses React context and provides higher-order components to handle dynamic loading of language modules.
Vue I18n
Vue I18n is an internationalization plugin for Vue.js. It makes it easy to integrate localization functionality into Vue.js applications. Vue I18n is the preferred choice for internationalization in Vue projects and its author, kazupon, is a core team member of Vue.
next-translate's primary goal is to make translations as straightforward as possible in the Next.js ecosystem. It consists of two parts: a Next.js plugin and an i18n API. next-translate features:
- Automatic page revalidation when the language changes
- File system and cloud-based translation support
- Built-in language detection and switching
FBT is a JavaScript internationalization framework that is both powerful and flexible, yet simple and straightforward. It helps organize translatable source text and write syntactically correct, translatable user interfaces.
Lingui is a simple and powerful internationalization framework. It features:
- Support for multiple catalogs and languages
- Automatic extraction of translatable strings from code
- Built-in support for plurals, contexts, and interpolations

Choosing the right JavaScript library for internationalization depends on the specific requirements of your project. Each library offers its own unique strengths and features. By understanding the key features and capabilities of these libraries, you can make an informed decision and choose the one that best meets the needs of your application.
1、概念:B/S结构即浏览器和服务器结构。它是随着Internet技术的兴起,对C/S结构的一种变化或者改进的结构。在这种结构下,用户工作界面是通过WWW浏览器来实现,极少部分事务逻辑在前端(Browser)实现,但是主要事务逻辑在服务器端(Server实现,形成所谓三层3-tier结构。B/S结构是WEB兴起后的一种网络结构模式,WEB浏览器是客户端最主要的应用软件。这种模式统一了客户端,将系统功能实现的核心部分集中到服务器上,简化了系统的开发、维护和使用。客户机上只要安装一个浏览器(Browser),如Netscape Navigator或Internet Explorer,服务器安装Oracle、Sybase、Informix或SQL Server等数据库。浏览器通过Web Server同数据库进行数据交互。 这样就大大简化了客户端电脑载荷,减轻了系统维护与升级的成本和工作量,降低了用户的总体成本(TCO)。