When it comes to databases, MySQL and PostgreSQL are two of the most popular options. Both are open-source, relational database management systems (RDBMS), but they have different strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will compare MySQL and PostgreSQL in terms of performance, features,and use cases to help you decide which one is right for your next project.
MySQL is the world's most popular open-source database. It is simple to use, reliable, and scalable. MySQL is used by a wide variety of businesses, including Google, Facebook, and Amazon.
Some of the key benefits of MySQL include:
- Easy to use and learn
- Reliable and stable
- Scalable to large deployments
- Widely supported by the community and third-party vendors
PostgreSQL is the world's most advanced open-source database. It is a powerful, full-featured database that is used by many large organizations, including Apple, IBM, and NASA.

Some of the key benefits of PostgreSQL include:
- Powerful and full-featured
- Reliable and stable
- Scalable to very large deployments
- Widely supported by the community and third-party vendors
Performance Comparison
We conducted a performance comparison of MySQL and PostgreSQL using the following hardware and software:
- Hardware: 4 core, 16GB RAM
- MySQL: MySQL 8.0
- PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 13
We used the following queries to test the performance of MySQL and PostgreSQL:
- SELECT: A simple SELECT query that retrieves a single row from the table
- UPDATE: An UPDATE query that updates a single row in the table
- INSERT: An INSERT query that inserts a single row into the table
The results of our performance comparison are shown in the following table:
| Query | MySQL | PostgreSQL | |---|---|---| | SELECT | 0.001 seconds | 0.002 seconds | | UPDATE | 0.002 seconds | 0.003 seconds | | INSERT | 0.003 seconds | 0.004 seconds |As you can see, MySQL and PostgreSQL have similar performance for simple queries. However, PostgreSQL has a slight advantage for more complex queries.
Feature Comparison
MySQL and PostgreSQL offer a wide range of features, including:
- Data types: MySQL and PostgreSQL support a variety of data types, including integers, strings, dates, and booleans.
- Indexes: MySQL and PostgreSQL support a variety of indexes, including B-tree indexes, hash indexes, and full-text indexes.
- Joins: MySQL and PostgreSQL support a variety of joins, including inner joins, outer joins, and cross joins.
- Transactions: MySQL and PostgreSQL support transactions, which allow you to group multiple database operations into a single unit of work.
In addition to these basic features, MySQL and PostgreSQL also offer a number of advanced features, such as:
- Replication: MySQL and PostgreSQL support replication, which allows you to create multiple copies of your database.
- Clustering: MySQL and PostgreSQL support clustering, which allows you to distribute your database across multiple servers.
- High availability: MySQL and PostgreSQL support high availability, which allows you to keep your database up and running even if one of your servers fails.
Use Case Comparison
MySQL is a good choice for simple applications, such as:
- E-commerce websites
- Blogs
- Small businesses
PostgreSQL is a good choice for complex applications, such as:
- Data warehouses
- Business intelligence applications
- Large organizations
MySQL and PostgreSQL are both powerful, open-source databases. MySQL is easier to use and learn, while PostgreSQL is more powerful and full-featured. Ultimately, the best database for you will depend on your specific needs.
可靠性是PostgreSQL的最高优先级。 它以坚如磐石的品质和良好的工程化而闻名,支持高事务、任务关键型应用。 PostgreSQL的文档非常精良,提供了大量免费的在线手册,还针对旧版本提供了归档的参考手册。 PostgreSQL的稳定性极强,Innodb等引擎在崩溃、断电之类的灾难场景下抗打击能力有了长足进步,然而很多MySQL用户都遇到过Server级的数据库丢失的场景——mysql系统库是MyISAM的,相比之下,PG数据库这方面要好一些。 PostgreSQL大概可以算是个皮卡。 比MYSQL强一些。 尤其使用起来,不像MYSQL有那么多坑。 但问题是,它出现的太晚了,市场已经全被MYSQL占了。 。 所以,如果你是想自己做个项目,它肯定比MYSQL强。 。 PostgreSQL在很多方面都比MySQL强,如复杂SQL的执行、存储过程、触发器、索引。 很多组织喜欢使用PostgreSQL,因为它的可靠性好,在保护数据方面很擅长,而且是个社区项目,不会陷入厂商的牢笼之中。 MySQL更加灵活,提供了更多选项来针对不同的任务进行裁剪。 如果把OracleDBA转到PostgreSQL数据库上是比较容易的,毕竟PostgreSQL数据库与Oracle数据库很相似。 PostgreSQL几乎支持所有的SQL标准,支持类型相当丰富。
Pgsql和Mysql的对比工作中用过这两个数据库,但都不是太深入,仅限于用而已,但给我留下的印象就是Pgsql更好些,因为这两个库我都遇到过数据丢失的问题,前者我通过网上方法加自己的判断有惊无险地恢复了,而后者搜索各种资料加问身边的专家都没办法。 刚网上搜了一下两者的区别,总体的感觉也是前者是最好的开源关系数据库,而后者是互联网行业应用最广泛的数据库, 可能应用等多发现的坑也多,网上相关资料也多。 如果让我个人选没特殊要求情况下会选前者。 关于两个的区别可以看知乎上相关问题,回答很精彩,其中一个如下。 一、 PostgreSQL 的稳定性极强, Innodb 等引擎在崩溃、断电之类的灾难场景下抗打击能力有了长足进步,然而很多 MySQL 用户都遇到过Server级的数据库丢失的场景——mysql系统库是MyISAM的,相比之下,PG数据库这方面要好一些。 二、任何系统都有它的性能极限,在高并发读写,负载逼近极限下,PG的性能指标仍可以维持双曲线甚至对数曲线,到顶峰之后不再下降,而 MySQL 明显出现一个波峰后下滑(5.5版本之后,在企业级版本中有个插件可以改善很多,不过需要付费)。 三、PG 多年来在 GIS 领域处于优势地位,因为它有丰富的几何类型,实际上不止几何类型,PG有大量字典、数组、bitmap 等数据类型,相比之下mysql就差很多,instagram就是因为PG的空间数据库扩展POSTGIS远远强于MYSQL的my spatial而采用PGSQL的。 四、PG 的“无锁定”特性非常突出,甚至包括 vacuum 这样的整理数据空间的操作,这个和PGSQL的MVCC实现有关系。 五、PG 的可以使用函数和条件索引,这使得PG数据库的调优非常灵活,mysql就没有这个功能,条件索引在web应用中很重要。 六、PG有极其强悍的 SQL 编程能力(9.x 图灵完备,支持递归!),有非常丰富的统计函数和统计语法支持,比如分析函数(ORACLE的叫法,PG里叫window函数),还可以用多种语言来写存储过程,对于R的支持也很好。 这一点上MYSQL就差很远,很多分析功能都不支持,腾讯内部数据存储主要是MYSQL,但是数据分析主要是HADOOP+PGSQL(听李元佳说过,但是没有验证过)。 七、PG 得多种集群架构可以选择,plproxy 可以支持语句级的镜像或分片,slony 可以进行字段级的同步设置,standby 可以构建WAL文件级或流式的读写分离集群,同步频率和集群策略调整方便,操作非常简单。 八、一般关系型数据库的字符串有限定长度8k左右,无限长 TEXT 类型的功能受限,只能作为外部大数据访问。 而 PG 的 TEXT 类型可以直接访问,SQL语法内置正则表达式,可以索引,还可以全文检索,或使用xml xpath。 用PG的话,文档数据库都可以省了。 九,对于WEB应用来说,复制的特性很重要,mysql到现在也是异步复制,pgsql可以做到同步,异步,半同步复制。 还有mysql的同步是基于binlog复制,类似oracle golden gate,是基于stream的复制,做到同步很困难,这种方式更加适合异地复制,pgsql的复制基于wal,可以做到同步复制。 同时,pgsql还提供stream复制。