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由尤雨溪强力主导-前端格局动荡!Vue团队开源Rust驱动的闪电般JS打包工具 (尤雨溪在哪)

admin11个月前 (04-14)数码46


The Vue team has officially open-sourced Rolldown, a Rust-based bundling tool. Rolldown is a Rollup alternative that provides a Rollup-compatible API and plugin interface, but with a feature scope more similar to esbuild. According to the official documentation, Rolldown is specifically intended as a future bundler for Vite. Vue


Vite currently relies on two bundlers: - Vite for development - Rollup for production However, there are significant drawbacks to using two different bundlers: - Inconsistent behavior - Incompatible plugin ecosystems - Difficult to keep in sync Thus, the development team wanted Vite to integrate a single bundler that provides: - Native-level performance - Built-in transforms that avoid parsing/serializing overhead - A Rollup-compatible plugin interface - Advanced build output control suitable for large-scale applications This is where Rolldown comes in.


Rolldown is written in Rust and built on top of Oxc, currently using its parser. The team also plans to integrate Oxc's transformer and minifier when they become available. Rolldown aims to offer several key features: - Performance: Built-in transforms provide significant performance improvements over Rollup. - Flexibility: Rollup-compatible plugin interface allows for easy extension. - Compatibility: Supports most popular Rollup plugins, facilitating a smooth transition. - Interoperability: Designed to work seamlessly with Vite and other bundlers.


The team's long-term goal is to enable Vite users (directly or via frameworks) to transition to a version of Vite that uses Rolldown internally with minimal cost. In the meantime, Rolldown will also be available as a standalone bundler for directuse.


The Rolldown website lists four team members, currently led by Evan You, the creator of Vue and Vite.


Rolldown is a promising new bundler that addresses several pain points faced by developers using Vite. It offers native-level performance, a Rollup-compatible plugin interface, and advanced build output control. As it is still in development, some features may not be fully available yet, but the team's roadmap suggests that Rolldown has a bright future as both a standalone bundler and a core component of Vite.

Related Links

- [Rolldown Official Website](- [GitHub: rolldown-rs/rolldown](


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“由尤雨溪强力主导-前端格局动荡!Vue团队开源Rust驱动的闪电般JS打包工具 (尤雨溪在哪)” 的相关文章

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